Saturday, September 19, 2009

Second Life

Opened a Second Life account. The last time I tried this program was a couple years ago. Things like flying and moving seem to be easier. There's still a learning curve. I'm in the process of trying to edit my avatar.

So far Second Life has crashed on me a dozen times or so. Perhaps it's the computer I'm using. During loading a pop-up will ask you if you want to enable streaming media. This seems like a good idea, but if you crash a lot check "disable" since this seems to help lessen (but not eliminate) the number of crashes.

As I'm in the process of editing my appearance I appear as an amorphous glowing green cloud. I have to say I kind of like that appearance.

Some of the features I've run across are instant translation! Someone said "hi" in Russian which was translated directly. I'm not sure how advanced the translation device is, but the idea is pretty cool. I suppose so long as you stick to basic vocabulary, there will be less chance for miscommunication.

I've also found links to the language communities referenced in class. That's probably the most interesting aspect for me. It would be great to use this to practice foreign languages (if I can ever get the hang of it). Apparently you don't get to pick your last name. They offer an assortment of equally cheesy ones for you to choose from. My avatar is Ash Webwyre. See you online!

1 comment:

  1. My avatar is in need of an overhaul as well. I'm interested in the language sites as well and tried to find one for Thai but was sent to Korea. I have been a little negative about 2nd life as there seems to be a lot of trash out there but there is undoubtably a wealth of positive sites to be accessed. Is it possible for all of us to meet in one specific location? It would be nice to know that I am actually talking to someone I know.
